How to set up Call Rail reporting in our Dashboard


CallRail is one of six analytics and tracking tools featured in the Analytics application.

This document will help users understand how to utilize both the CallRail integration tab as well as the snapshot featured in your Overview tab. You will learn how to read each metric, how to sort your campaigns and ad sets, and how to customize the table to provide the insights you need.

Adding CallRail Analytics

To add your CallRail analytics:

  1. Select + Add New from the top of the page within the Analytics application.
  2. Select CallRail from the list of integrations. Click Continue.
  3. You will need to enter your API Key from CallRail. Log in to your CallRail account and click on the Settings button on the left-side column.
  1. In the top menu, click on Integrations.
  1. On the Integrations page, look to the left side column for the section titled Data Access. Click on API Keys.
  1. Click Create API V3 Key in the top-right corner. Copy this new key to your clipboard.
  2. Paste the API key into the field within the Analytics application. Click Continue.
  3. Select the CallRail account you wish to use. Then, select the company within that account that you wish to integrate. Click Continue.
  4. Congratulations! You’ve successfully integrated your analytics. Note that your information will not appear immediately as it takes time to populate within the Analytics application.

CallRail Analytics Overview

Note – You can verify which CallRail account you have integrated by locating the ID underneath the CallRail tab. In the center of the page, you can hover over the ID icon to check the account number.

After successfully integrating your CallRail account, your Analytics application will feature a new overview section as well as a tab at the top of the page.

Note – These overview metrics will also display on the CallRail tab in a slightly different appearance.

Next, we will go over each of these metrics, so that you can your team can actively utilize your new analytics.

All Calls

This is the total number of calls received to date.

Answered Calls

This is the total number of calls your team answered out of the total calls received.

Notice that there is a blue arrow with a percentage in between these two metrics. This percentage is calculated by dividing the number of Answered Calls by All Calls.

Missed Calls

This is the number of calls your team missed out of the total calls received.

Once again, there is another blue arrow that calculates the percentage of missed calls. This is calculated by dividing the number of Missed Calls by All Calls.

First-Time Callers

This is the number of unique callers that call your number for the first time.

Avg. Duration

This is the average duration of each call. This is calculated by taking the total duration of all calls divided by the total number of calls.

The final blue arrow indicates the percentage of First-Time Callers. This is calculated by dividing the number of First-Time Callers by All Calls.


The second half of this page details all of your calls in their entirety. This half of the page is divided into two sections: Calls and Insights. By default, this section is set to Calls, which we will cover in detail below.

Note – Each tab including All Calls, Answered Calls, Missed Calls, and First Time Callers features the same columns. Use these tabs to filter between each category.

The first of the four tabs of this table details every call received to date. The All Calls tab is then broken down into seven distinct columns:

Caller Name

This lists the name of the caller.


This informs you where the caller found your phone number to initiate the call.


This is the date that the call took place.

Call Status

This indicates whether or not you answered or missed the call.


This is the city from which the call originated.


This is the exact duration of the phone call.


This houses the recording of the call. You can press the blue play button to listen to the entire call. The play button will transition to an audio menu, which allows you to play, pause, and adjust the volume. You can also click the download button to download a copy of the audio file.


You can toggle between Calls and Insights by using the toggle on the right side of the page. Switch to Insights to get a quick snapshot of some key statistics regarding your calls.

Top Call Sources

This section details the top sources for your incoming calls. The green portion of the bar indicates Answered Calls whereas the red area indicates Missed Calls.

Answered Vs. Missed

Similar to the above, this section quickly illustrates your number of Answered versus Missed calls.

Call Volume

Finally, the last section provides a graph of your call volume throughout the month. The X-axis indicates the date whereas the Y-axis is the number of calls. You can also hover over a date to view a small pop-up if you need a direct summary.

Column Customization

Finally, you can modify the appearance of your table under the Calls toggle specifically. You can access this menu by clicking on the icon just to the right of the toggle.

This menu is divided into two sections. The left side will last all of the available columns alongside a checkbox. Checking this box will cause that column to appear in the table. To remove a column, uncheck the box.

The second on the right allows you to drag and drop the columns in the order you would prefer. To delete a column from the table, click on the X to the right. Note that you cannot delete Caller Name, Source, and Date.

This covers everything you need to know about CallRail analytics. Good luck moving forward!