Listings Manager is one of six analytics and tracking tools featured in the Analytics application.
This document will help users understand how to utilize both the Listings Manager integration tab as well as the snapshot featured in your Overview tab. You will learn how to read each metric, how to sort your campaigns and ad sets, and how to customize the table to provide the insights you need.
Important Note – Listings Manager is only available for businesses in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia.
Adding Listings Manager Analytics
To add analytics for the Listings Manager, you will need to contact our team about purchasing a Listings Manager subscription. We will need to activate this service on your behalf before integrating it into your account.
After purchasing the subscription, the Listings Manager will now appear as a tab within your Analytics application.
You will then need to fill out your Business Profile in order for your Listings to go live on the internet. Your analytics are effectively live, but your listings will not be able to process and go live until you provide all of the required information and save it to your profile.
Jump below to the Business Profile section for assistance in completing these steps.
Listings Manager Overview
After successfully adding your Listings Manager subscription, your Analytics application will update in the Overview tab as well as the Listings Manager tab.
Note – The Listings Manager tab will also house this information, albeit in a less condensed format.
Next, we will go over each of these sections to help you better utilize your analytics.
Listing Status
This section provides a breakdown of where your various directory listings currently stand.
‘All Listings’ indicates how many directory listings you are attempting to push live.
‘Live Listings’ indicates the number of currently active directory listings.
‘Processing’ indicates the listings that are still attempting to go live and waiting to be processed through the service.
‘Unavailable’ indicates the listings that are currently not available to you at this time. This could be caused by a variety of factors including your business location, an error in the software, issues with the directory listing provider, etc. You may need to reach out to the directory directly to resolve the issue.
‘Opted Out’ indicates any listings that you opted out of use for any reason.
View on Search and Maps
This section compiles some important analytics about how users find and contact your business as a result of your directory listings.
‘View on Search’ shows how many users visit your listings through a local search result.
‘View on Map’ shows how many users view your business on Google Maps as a result of your directory listings.
‘Directions’ shows how many users click through to find directions to your business from their location.
‘Phone Calls’ indicates how many users find your phone number and make a call through your directory listings.
‘Listing Clicks’ indicates how many users clicked on your directory listing from any location.
Listings Manager Analytics
Clicking on the dedicated Listings Manager tab will reveal that this section of the application is broken down into two sections: Analyze and Profile. You can find this toggle at the top of the page next to the calendar widget. You will always be on Analyze by default.
This page features some of the metrics we previewed in the Overview but provides a more in-depth illustration.
Google Views on Search and Maps
See the above section to learn more about what these three metrics indicate. Each one features a designated color which is used to illustrate the progress over time in the graph above. The X-axis indicates the date whereas the Y-axis indicates the count for each metric.
You can also hover over the graph on a specific line to see the exact count for the metric on that date.
Google Phone Calls by Hour
The second section charts the number of phone calls from Google searches by the hour. If you do not receive any calls within a given hour, they will not appear on this bar graph.
The X-axis indicates the time of day whereas the Y-axis indicates the total count for the hour. You can also hover over the bar to see the number of calls.
Listing Status
The Listing Status section contains the same metrics we previously discussed in the Overview section. Beneath this section, however, you will see the entire list of all of your directory listings.
All of your listings will be listed alphabetically and contain the name of the listing provider, your business name, your address, the listing status, and the ability to view the listing.
The Listing Status will correspond to the rings featured at the top of this section. For example, if your listing is live, the listing will contain the word Live in a green box. Similarly, a Processing listing will feature an orange box at the bottom until it either goes live or is unavailable.
Clicking View will take you directly to the listing on the actual website.
Finally, it’s important to note that you can utilize the calendar widget we mentioned above to change the tracked period. Click on the widget next to the toggle to select the period you wish to view for your Listings Manager analytics.
Business Profile
At any point, you may need to update your business profile for your directory listings. However, going through and updating each individual listing is a tiresome task that no one wants to do.
Thankfully, you can easily update every single of your listings simultaneously by editing your business profile under the Profile toggle.
You can edit every field on this page by clicking on the pencil icon on the far right.
Next, we’ll go through each field section by section, so that you can be sure that you’re entering the correct information into your business profile.
Core Information
This should contain the exact name of your business. This field is required.
This should contain the primary address for your business. This field is required.
In this field, you can select as many categories as you would like that accurately define your business. When you click the Edit button, you will receive a dropdown menu that contains a long list of business categories.
You must select one category as your Primary. All other selections will fall under Additional categories. This field is required.
Main Phone
This should contain the primary phone number for the business.
Featured Message
This is a short one-liner that accurately captures the essence of your business.
Business Details
This is a paragraph where you can describe your business and the products or services that it offers.
In this section, you can choose to specify your hours of operation. Checking the box to specify hours will open a menu for you to select the status of Open or Closed along with business hours for each day.
If your hours are the same for each day, you can click the Apply to All text to save time and automatically update each day.
Hours (Temporarily Closed)
Every business will have periods where they are temporarily closed as a result of holidays, renovations, etc. You can add temporary hours here to update your listings without editing your main business details.
Additional Hours Text
You can supplement your temporary hours by providing a short description that informs your customers of the reason for implementing the change.
Payment Options
This provides a series of checkboxes that you can check to indicate the types of payments your business accepts from customers.
Price Range
You can specify a price range that your customers can expect when visiting your business. Rather than using actual numbers, you can dictate how expensive your products or services are with one $ icon meaning less expensive and four $ icons meaning the most expensive.
Pickup and Delivery Services
You can checkboxes next to the types of pickup or delivery services your business offers. If pickup or delivery is not offered, you can check the boxes next to Pickup/Delivery Not Offered.
You can further qualify your business location by entering the neighbourhood your business is located in within the city.
Contacts, Websites, and Apps
You can list your primary public email address for your business here.
Menu URL
You can list a URL to a menu of your products or services here. The URL field is for a general URL. The Display URL is for businesses that do not have a physical location for customers to visit. Use the radio buttons to check which URL you prefer to use. Note that not all directory listing services support a Display URL.
Order URL
You can list a URL to the page where customers can place an order with your business. The same rules for general URLs and Display URLs also apply here.
Reservation URL
You can list a URL to the page where customers can make a reservation with your business. The same rules for general URLs and Display URLs also apply here.
Website URL
This is where you will list the URL to your website’s homepage. The same rules for general URLs and Display URLs also apply here.
Local Phone
You can list a local phone number for a specific business location that customers can use to contact you.
Alternate Phone
You can list any alternate phone numbers customers can use to contact your business.
Toll-Free Phone
You can list a toll-free phone number for customers to use if this applies to your business.
Mobile Phone
If you have a mobile phone number to use, you can list it here for your customers.
Fax Phone
List the number customers can use to send a fax.
TTY Phone
This stands for “teletypewriter” phone number, which is used for deaf and speech-impaired persons. If your business has this number, you can list it here.
You can list a direct link to your application on the iOS app store here.
Android App URL
You can list a direct link to your application on the Android app store.
Business Logo
In this section, you can include a direct link to an image file containing your business logo.
Photo Gallery
In this section, you can add additional photos that help customers get an idea of what your business looks like. When you click the Edit button to begin, you will see a box to upload a photo as well as Description, Details, Alternate Text, and Clickthrough URL boxes.
You can add photos either by directly uploading them or by entering a direct URL.
The Description is the caption that users will see when viewing the photo.
Details should include additional information that helps describe the context of the photo.
Alternate Text or “Alt Tags” is what appears to users if the image fails to load on their screen. It should be a brief summary of what the photo contains.
The Clickthrough URL is a link you can attach to the photo, which you can use to direct the user to a specific page on your website.
You can add more photos by clicking on + Add an Item at the bottom. Be sure to Save your changes when finished.
Here, you can include a YouTube URL link to a video you want to use to feature your business. You can also write your own video description in the field next to this.
You can add additional videos by clicking on + Add an Item at the bottom. Be sure to Save your changes when finished.
Social Media
Twitter Handle
In this field, enter the Twitter handle for your business’s Twitter account if applicable. Your handle is what comes after the backslash in the url (i.e. Note that you do not need to include the @ symbol in this field.
Facebook Page URL
In this field, enter the URL of your Facebook Business Page.
Instagram Handle
In this field, enter the Instagram handle for your business’s account if applicable. Your handle is what comes after the backslash in the URL (i.e. Note that you do not need to include an @ symbol in this field.
Additional Attributes
Year Established
Enter the year that your business was first established.
Here, you can list the products that your business sells. Click on + Add an Item to create a text field to enter a product name. You can do this as many times as necessary to complete your profile.
This field is identical to the one above but is meant for services that your business offers.
Here, you can list any specialities or unique offerings that your business offers that you wish to highlight.
Here, you can list any organizations or associations that are affiliated with your business.
List any brands of products you carry that you want to highlight here.
List the languages that your team members are capable of using when interacting with customers.
Finally, list any relevant keywords that users can use to find your business profile. We recommend consulting your SEO experts for completing this area of your business profile.
Are you looking for Local Listing Management Services? Click here to see our pricing.